Sunday, December 6, 2009

ATM Installation Procedure

ATM Installation Procedure

1st Step

Preparing Hard Disk

  1. Use Windows (Win2000) partition to boot from another HDD.
  2. Prepare Hard Disk using 2 partitions named C (70%) and D (30%). Make sure it takes accurate measurement.
  3. In Start Menu Go to Settings -> Control Panel -> Administrative Tools
  4. In Administrative Tools, Select Disk Management. Here we can see disk management. Convert all disk into Basic partitioned.
  5. Now, Select Create Partition (in Win 2000) or New Volume (in Win XP).
  6. Formats drive C using 70% of allocated free space of HDD. Mark this partition “Active”.
  7. Formats drive D using 30% of allocated free space of HDD.

Important Notes

In different types of ATM, we have different types of IPC (Industrial PC) or EMPC. So, it is necessary to know the following list.

  • IPC-006 (P4 Standard) for F16A (here it is mostly used).
  • IPC-001 (P3 Standard) for E22L & E22-TTW.
  • IPC-004 (P4 Standard) for H38 & H38L.
  • IPC-005 (P4 Standard) for G21 & G21L.
  • EMPC (P3 Standard) for F16.

2nd Step

OS Installation

Installing Operating System and others necessary software using CD named “Ghost”. “Ghost” CD is bought from GRG.

1. Boot from CD-Rom using “Ghost” CD.

2. Here we can see 3 options.

1. Recover Disc from CD.

2. Start using MS-DOS.

3. Read Me.

3. Select No. 1. Then it installs on its own.

4. After completion of installation, we boot from HDD.

5. Now, we copy all necessary materials from 3 CDs. Those 3 CDs are bought from GRG.

3rd Step

Necessary Configuration

  1. Disable Volume.
  2. Select “My Computer” -> Click Right Button of Mouse or Properties button of Keyboard -> Click “Manage”.

  1. Now, click “Local User & Groups” and select “User”.

  1. Select “Administrator” by right clicking of mouse and click “Set Password”.
  2. Set Password to “brac123” in password field.

  1. Click “Start” button and select “Settings” -> click “Control Panel” -> “User Accounts
  2. If check box option is set to tick mark [√], then remove this tick mark. Set password here too. Password is “brac123”. It is enable auto-login.
  3. In control panel, we set “Date and Time Zone”.
  4. In control panel, click “Display”. Select “Settings” tab -> click “Advanced” button -> select “Adapter” tab -> click “List All Modes” button.
  5. Select “640 by 480, High Color (16 Bit), 75 Hertz

11. Select “My Computer” by clicking of right button. Click “Properties” and select “Advanced” tab.

12. In “Performance” paragraph, click “Settings”. Now, click “Change” in the “Virtual Memory” paragraph.

13. Select drive “C:” -> click Radio Button “Custom Size”.

14. Set Initial Size (MB) is 1024 and Virtual Size (MB) is 2048.

15. Again, select “My Computer” and “Properties”.

16. Select “Network” tab. Change name & identification F16-##### (it is ATM’s Serial number).

17. Change “Workgroup” from “YUNTONG” to “YUNGTONG”.

4th Step

Pre-requisite Configuration

  1. Go “My Computer > Properties”. In “General” tab option, check version of OS’s “Service Pack”. If it is not “Service Pack 4” then go “D:\CD3\OS\Win_2k_SP4\SMARTDRV.exe”. Install and restart IPC.
  2. Go “D:\CD2\Drivers\Drivers(IPC_F16A)\Intel Chipset Software Utility\Setup”. Install & restart IPC.
  3. Select “My Computer” and go to “Properties” by clicking right button. Go “Hardware” tab and click “Device Manager” button.
  4. Select “Universal Serial Bus Controllers”. Install USB controller using path “CD2:\Drivers\Drivers(IPC_F16A)\USB_W2K”. (if it is installed, it must uninstalled 1st & re-install it).

  1. Go “CD2:\Drivers \Drivers(IPC_F16A)\Camera Agent
    1. \Drivers_KPCU400\Drivers_UC400 Multi-2000\Setup.exe”. Install it.
    2. \Component_VCM Install\Setup.exe”. Install it.

After completion of above two installations, test camera using “Camera Agent\CHCHCamTest”.

  1. Go “D:\CD1\ATM\01-Pre Req” (install all its folder’s components). If “WinRAR” installed, 1st uninstall it.
    1. Install “WinRAR”. Open “D:\CD1\ATM\01-Pre Req\WinRAR\Patch” folder. Copy Patch’s 2 contents and paste it into “C:\Program Files\WinRAR\”. Press the Patch’s contents from this dive and select location.
    2. Install “D:\CD1\ATM\01-Pre Req\2_MDAC\mdac28.exe”.
    3. Install “D:\CD1\ATM\01-Pre Req\3_Jet40SP8_Wk”.
    4. Install “D:\CD1\ATM\01-Pre Req\4-DirectX9”.

5th Step

YDC 2.0 Installation

  1. Go “D:\CD2\ATM\02-YDC\Setup.exe”. Install it.
  2. Go “D:\CD2\ATM\02-YDC\Data.exe”. Install it.
  3. Press “D:\CD2\ATM\02-YDC\Patch”. Press “1-YdcUpdate…..”, “2-YdcUpdate…..”, “3-YdcUpdate…..”, “4-YdcUpdate…..”, “5-YdcUpdate…..”.
  4. Select folder “D:\CD2\ATM\02-YDC\Patch\6-YDCUpdate….”. Do following things.

///// Important Tips: above 3 & 4 nos. is for SP1. There is available YDC SP3 for quick installation. We just copy installed “YDC-SP3” from removable device or CD. Paste it into “C:/Program Files/……”. At the same time, we delete or rename installed “YDC2” to “YDC2_Old”.

6th Step

TPS & Eye Agent Loading

  1. Go to “D:\CD1\ATM\New Eye Agent\Setup.exe”. Install it.
  2. C:\TPS” folder is created. Copy from “D:\CD1\ATM\New Eye Agent\CameraPoints.ini” and paste it into “C:\TPS\Eye\SMARTInterface\Configuration\ …….. ”. Open this *.*ini file and check date.
  3. Click “C:\TPS\Eye\ServerConfiguration”. A notepad typed file is open and check

Eye Server

Central IP Address

Port 4321

C:\TPS\Eye\Configuration\Eye.ini”. Here we can find “Server Info”.

  1. C:\TPS\Saf\Logs”. If this folder takes too much space then delete its contents.
  2. C:\TPS\Imagery”. Client’s photo stays here.

7th Step

Service Activation

Now, we activate some specific services.

  1. Go to “My Computer” (click left button of mouse) à Mange à Service (click)
  2. Services are Insight FTP Transport Service, Insight TCP SAF Provider, Remote Access Auto Connection Manger, Remote Access Connection Manger, Remote Procedure Call (RPC), Remote Procedure Call (RPC) Locator.
  3. Open above services and do the following things. “Start-up” types makes “Automatic”. Then press “Start”. Services activated.

Now, IP address is allocated by Support Engineer.

8th Step

Security & Sharing

  1. Makes 2 hidden shares, “C$” & “D$”. Give full control to “Administrator” and “System”.
  2. Share “C:\Programs Files\YDC2”; “C:\Programs Files\YDC2\AtmApp\Log”. Give full control to “Administrator” and “System”.
  3. Share “C:\TPS” and “C:\TPS\Imagery”. Give full control to “Administrator” and “System”.

Important Tips: When Sharing & Security is given, it must be set User Limit is “Maximum”.


  1. Thanks for the information for the ATM INSTALLATION. It is really a great help.

    ATM Installation

  2. Thanks for sharing this procedure on how to install an ATM. Installing an ATM can be complicated. So, you must have enough knowledge for its hardware and software to be installed. On this blog, we know on what to prepare, the software to install and the code that we will configure. There are so many devices that are widely available in the market. Panel PC is one of the most potent device for ATM kiosks. It has complete configurations that we need and it is ready to use device. Installing the right of panel PC in an ATM Kiosk will surely make a difference. Other embedded industrial computers may not be able to withstand outdoor environments. So it is important to find a reliable industrial computer manufacturer for these. By the way, you have a great manual configuration procedure to share in your blog. I got more ideas here.
